Take advantage of the multiple possibilities of CELUM with the Adobe Commerce platform, powered by Magento. Work successfully and efficiently with the CELUM Asset Picker!
Keep complete control over all content and manage the usage of your assets within your eCommerce solution. Experience the possibilities of digital workflows, streamline processes and save costs and time.
Use a standardised tool within your company to design your Magento appearance professionally and simply, even without prior IT or design knowledge. The uniform user interface offers, with intuitive ease of use, a significant reduction in creation and adaptation times.
The best practice project is customisable to your specific needs. Developed by eCentral.
With the CELUM Asset Picker you can easily integrate your data into your Adobe Commerce store, powered by Magento.
Merge your DAM and your Adobe Commerce Shop, powered by Magento, and use the uncomplicated merging of content.
Speed up your internal processes and profit from a standardised and optimised workflow.
Central storage of assets in your Adobe Commerce shop system with rights management.
Use cases
Outstanding user experience
The CELUM Asset Picker integrates seamlessly into your existing CELUM/Adobe Commerce IT architecture. Create an outstanding user experience in your company and use our channel-specific platform solution to achieve fast and measurable success. Establish an efficient workflow and benefit from a customised connection to your system landscape.
Central storage of assets in your Adobe Commerce store system with rights management
Easy integration of product images and videos into your store system
Quick search for category images and integration with product features
Efficient and customised solution for your media asset process